Berit Leune // Project Management

Project Manager


Berit Leune

I‘m an experienced project manager & digital professional. I believe that projects well-planned are half-done. I believe that there is a solution to every problem.  And I believe that personal happiness drives personal productivity. I‘m driven by the desire to get things done. In quality. In budget. In time.

What I DId

I am a project manager by nature with a 20-year career that took me from a small business to a digital agency of the BBDO Network to the marketing department of The Coca-Cola Company. I built my career on the foundation of a training as secretary for foreign languages and starting out as an office manager, secretary and team assistant. In the first years of my career I learned the importance of structured organisation and planning, accuracy and efficiency as well as being a service oriented and helpful team player. I moved on to become a project manager in a digital agency where my training as a service oriented team player with organisational skills came in handy. Over the course of 10 years I grew into a confident senior project manager specialising in large-scale digital platform development, mostly with multi-market ambitions. I just love managing projects and project teams. No matter if its 3 people, or 50.

After 12 years in the agency, I moved to a position as Senior Content Manager at The Coca-Cola Company that I held for 6 years. Developing advertising content of all kinds for one of the biggest brands in the world made me a professional in marketing strategy, communication strategy and content production in all shapes and forms.

Since I left The Coca-Cola Company, I put myself into the freelance market and have expanded my knowledge of performance marketing at state-of-the-art performance agency fischerAppelt, performance, I utilised my extensive agency experience to support the Heinrich Bauer Verlag setting up internal agency structures and processes and had the privilege of being the project lead for the 2021 Bundestagswahl Kampagne of Die Grünen in the pop-up agency Neues Tor Eins.

After a short-term assignment at my favourite Podcast Production Company, Studio Bummens, where I was fortunate enough to help set up the structures and processes for the partner management and sales department - and while at it learning the inner workings of a very successful podcast production & publishing company - I am now back in the freelance market and ready for work.


No. of people managed in project teams: 2 - 60

Project Budgets managed: EUR 5,000 - EUR 7,000,000

Years of experience in small business: 3

Years of experience in agency: 14

Years of Experience in international Cooperation: 6


Berit is a highly organised and goal oriented project manager, always ready to put all her energy and stamina to get the job done. With a beautiful balance of charming interpersonal skills and hard-nosed acumen, she is a empathetic, open minded content manager with boundless energy and ideas.
— Leonardo O'Grady, Global VP Consumer Marketing at Estée Lauder | Jo Malone London
Had the pleasure of working with Berit for over 2 years on a complex, innovative pan-European project. She is a great asset to any team: strategic, organised to a tee, imaginative and always thinking ahead.
She is strongly driven by results and will be the engine behind any endeavour she takes on.
— Andreea Dumitrascu, Marketing Manager at The Coca-Cola Company Western Europe
‘Berit’s tenacity and willingness to get the job done coupled with strong project management skills always enable timely delivery across the board.’
— Thomas Heinz, Group Creative Director at Kolle Rebbe Hamburg
Berit is one of the most highly-organised people I have ever had the pleasure of working with, with a meticulous eye for detail. Any company would be lucky to have her on their team!
— Samara Schulz, Senior Account Manager at Movement London

what I Do

Project Management, structuring and organisation is my passion. I pour my heart into every project assigned to me, no matter whether its a banner update or platform relaunch. A social media post, a youtube channel, brochures and posters for a political campaign or a TV commercial. Whether its processes for an old-school magazine publishing house or an innovative and young Podcast Production. Having worked on both sides, I understand both, the client’s needs and the agency’s woes. I listen, I learn. I decide what I can, I prepare decisions that are not mine. I plan and structure the work. I lead the team through the plan. I find solutions in collaboration, not in fight. I try to make or keep everyone happy to increase productivity. I get things done.

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Set goals, realistic planning - agreed in the team -, structured management and Open Communication are key to run a successful project. Also The heart should be in it.


The communication strategy to answer a business challenge for a defined target group Always needs to be based on data and Facts. Sounds simple. Sometimes isn’t.


In fast times we need fast solutions. Working agile is a necessity. But this doesn’t mean that there is no plan. Sometimes we need to go slow to be fast.






Juni - September 2023

In 2023 my main project was leading the project of developing an advertising campaign for the NGO ‘Mein Grundeinkommen e.V.’ to promote the actual feasiblity of a universal basic income for Germany. This campaign consisted of a wide range of advertising material including film- and 3D production as well as multipel shareables and content for the NGOs owned media. The highlight of the campaign was a congress on a boat cruising through Germany’s most expansive inner city- Frankfurs am Main - and live streaming the discussions and keynote of all experts on Youtube. Having a moving live stream set up on a boad usually designed for tourist cruises was an exciting but also very successful endeavor where my connections from many different projects I worked on on the past where very helpful.


Juli 2022 - Dezember 2022

In Summer 2022 I had the opportunity to help at Agentur für wahre Kommunikation preparing big POS campaigns for two of my favorite consumer goods: Ritter Sport chocolate and snacks from Seeberger. For Ritter Sport I was leading the development and production of an eye-catching POS presentation for new Ritter Sport varieties including organizing the main raffle prize of an VW ID Buzz. For Seeberger we developed multiple POS presentations within the bigger campaign to re-position Seeberger as a lifestyle snack brand. I am happy that with Agentur für wahre Kommunikation I was able to extend my ‘production capabilities’ to POS constructions with multiple creative and sustainability requirements for different consumer goods.

Studio Bummens - Director Partnership ManagEment, brand Partnerships & Sales

December 2021 - August 2022

In my next position I again was offered an opportunity to expand my horizon. I moved to the new, successful podcast production and publishing company Studio Bummens to help build the department for partner management, brand partnerships and sales. Stepping firmly out of my comfort zone I was now responsible to find brand partners for podcast production and sell them ads. A great learning experience, but it made me realise that I am not a born sales person. However, I really enjoyed being part of a smart and innovative team that continuously moves the needle when it comes to new, innovative podcast formats and I was happy to help implementing some structures and processes for the new department to lay a foundation to professionalize the partner management and establish new brand partnerships.

Neues Tor 1 - Overall Project Lead (Freelance)

September 2020 - September 2021

One of the highlights of my career was my next assignment: I had the great privilege to lead the project team for the advertising campaign of Die Grünen for their historic Bundestagswahlkampagne 2021. In this position I could source from all the skills I acquired in 20 years of working as a project manager and content producer. I was responsible for structuring the project and the agency that was only founded for this one big campaign. Our first task was to bring a digital party convention to life. The first one of this size that Germany ever saw. The ten weeks of blood, sweat and tears we shed together with our clients were a great learning experience and well worth it - and one of many steps to position Die Grünen as a professional party, worthy to nominate a candidate for the highest office in the land. What came after the convention was the set up of a content production machine, developing the overall campaign and producing all advertising content needed for the campaign. From flyer- and poster templates for the smallest local branches of the party, over many flyers and brochures to hand out on the streets of Germany, to the poster and billboard campaigns. From production of clips for the digital convention over photo shoots with the two candidates to producing the main TV commercial, my job was to keep the machine running. Make sure that there always are enough people in the team to fulfil all tasks. Negotiate the budget with the clients. Make sure that everything is delivered on time and all deadlines for printing and airing are met. Make sure that the clients, and especially the candidates are happy. This project was a project managers dream. And for sure a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me to come so close to such a historic election campaign.

Heinrich Bauer Verlag - Consultant (Freelance)

August 2020 - November 2021

After a voluntary break in the beginning of 2020 for a 3 month surf trip through South Africa, first my trip and right after my working life came to an involuntary halt with the outbreak of the global COVID-19 pandemic. By mid August the advertising world had recovered from the first shock of a global pandemic and I got the opportunity to expand my horizon in the established publishing industry. The Heinrich Bauer Verlag was in the process of stepping out of conventional magazine publishing business and starting a new department working as an agency for a big client. I was asked to help implementing agency structures and processes - especially in the area of client services and account management - that make working with and steering a big corporate client smoother and more efficient.

The Coca-Cola Company, Western Europe (Berlin) - SENIOR DIGITAL Manager (Freelance)

September 2019 - Dezember 2019

My next job opportunity as a freelancer led me back to my former employer, The Coca-Cola Company. This time not as a content manager, but supporting the Western European digital team. I got the opportunity to lead an innovative retargeting strategy for Fanta - using my new skills that I just acquired in my previous job, developed a Facebook chatbot activation and was assigned the European GDPR lead, responsible for managing the implementation of all necessary changes to the Coca-Cola Systems according to the new European data protection laws. The latter gave me great insight not only in the laws and regulations of the European Data Protection Act, but also challenged me to manage a multi-national and multi-functional team across continents on a subject, that most colleagues find quite challenging and rather avoid. I always enjoy new insights, challenges and opportunities, which made me embrace this topic and make meeting deadlines and getting tasks done my personal pursuit of happiness.

fischerappelt, performance (Berlin) - Account Director (Freelance)

Januar 2019 - August 2019

Coming back from my short break in Northern Africa, I was hired as a freelancer by the newly founded agency fischerAppelt, performance, to support and build a full account management team at the Berlin location. After being mainly focused in digital platform development and content creation throughout my career, at fischerAppelt, performance over the course of 8 months I had the opportunity to take a deep dive into the digital performance marketing side of things, stepping away from content development and focusing on content amplification. At the same time I was trusted to use my experience as an account director to build and train the account management team and get the performance marketing experts - most of which were quite new to working in an agency - used to working together with an account manager in an agency environment. The time at fA, performance gave me a new perspective on digital media capabilities and made me a more holistically thinking advertiser and marketeer.

Offshore Surf Morocco (Tamraght, Morocco) - Marketing Manager

March 2018 - August 2018

After I left the corporate environment or a fortune 500 company, I took a little break from life in the European Marketing & Advertising rat-race and pursued happiness surfing and working just South of Europe in a small surf school near the Northern African surf hotspot Taghazout in Morocco. At Offshore Surf Morocco I was responsible for all marketing activities with the goal of bringing more guests to the surf camp and into the surf school. This was a great opportunity - after many years in big structured corporations - to expand my horizon in a very small business that only just started. We mainly focused on Social Media and Email-Marketing to introduce Offshore Surf Morocco into the European surf tourism market. To cut through a quite saturated market, together with the owners, I developed a marketing strategy and selling points that would differentiate Offshore Surf Morocco from the competition in the region and brought that to life over the months of my stay there. This resulted in a steady growth of guests in and out of the season. By now, Offshore Surf Morocco is one of the established Surf Schools in the area. .

The Coca-Cola Company, Western Europe (Berlin) - Senior Content Manager

August 2012 - March 2018

In the Integrated Marketing and Communications Team of the Coca-Cola Company Western Europe, I was responsible of developing communication briefings based on brand strategies and develop answers to the brief in close collaboration with a creative or digital agency. Based on the business challenge the briefs resulted in the creation and production of advertising content like either classical TV commercials, out of home billboards or - especially with younger target group - content focused to be amplified in the digital space. My masterpiece was the development of the innovative teen recruitment platform CokeTV on YouTube from strategy to pilot stage in one market to successfully run and productive teen engagement platform in 10 Western European Markets. Best project I every had the opportunity to work on.

InterOne GmbH, Hamburg - Account Director, Management Supervisor

February 2007 - July 2012

In the unit working mainly for the client BMW AG, I progressed from Senior Project Manager to Account Director to Management Supervisor in the course of 6 years. My responsibilities included the annual, quarterly and monthly planning of resources and staffing of project teams, managing multiple projects on a day to day basis. In my role as management supervisor the identification of potential for process optimisation, the implementation of project delivery processes, standards and new tools as well as coaching of a team of account managers and account executives gave me a new challenge, next to managing multiple projects on a day to day basis. My masterpiece was the successful management of a project team with more than 50 creatives for the relaunch of the entire consumer facing digital platform for BMW. Of course managing the clients and delivering satisfactory results to all parties are always part of the deal.

Interone Worldwide, Beijing

July 2006 - January 2007

Right after the Fifa World Cup ended in Germany in 2006, I was offered the opportunity to move to an Interone branch in Beijing, China, to relaunch the new BMW China website. New culture, new clients, new colleagues, but same content. I was able to mix my experience and deep knowledge of the international BMW digital platform with the new local reality of a market, culturally far away from everything I knew before. This expanded my personal horizon immensely. Working in a culture so vastly different from my own, taught me to always be open to adapt and to never stop learning. After the successful launch of in the beginning of 2007, I went back home with a new perspective on life and how to live it.

Interone GmbH, Hamburg - Project manager

May 2002 - June 2006

I was fortunate to receive the opportunity to move from an assistant role to the role of account executive shortly after the original company - Kabel New Media - filed for bankruptcy and BBDO Interone picked up the pieces. In my first years I learned the ropes of high quality project management, managing small projects at first and slowly, but steadily gaining trust and confidence of my superiors and with that more complex projects and tasks. After two years and the successful management of multiple smaller tasks, I was made account manager and assigned to support in the then biggest project running, the relaunch of What followed was 2 years of first launching the new BMW website and then adapting it for multiple European markets. This lead to a promotion to be Account Director and manage the adaptation and relaunch of the website for BMW China on site, in Beijing.

Kabel New Media, Hamburg / Klaus schulz Verlag, Hamburg / Werum SoftWare & Systems, Lüneburg - Office Management, Assistant

December 1998 - April 2002

The learning years. I started my career at a medium sized software company founded and back then still run by two local entrepreneurs. Coming from a theoretical training as a secretary for foreign languages, they gave me the chance to learn how to run the front desk for a company with 100+ software engineers. For 1.5 years I was first one of two office managers, responsible of organising the daily life in the office and taking care of the central phone line. Later I moved on to be one of the pool secretaries, mainly building and improving documentation in word or powerpoint. At Klaus Schulz Verlag, I was hired as a marketing assistant, but once on the job mainly managing the production processes of the magazine ‘Stadt Magazin Oxmox’, which was operating with the model of many freelance contributors and only few fixed employees. So a lot of coordination was necessary. At Kabel New Media I was assigned to manage the daily life of one unit with 30 people and support my project management colleagues in ongoing projects when required.


School of Foreign Languages, Hamburg

Graduated JUNE 1998


Bronze EFFIE FOR THE FANTA CAMPAIgn ‘100 Things to do before you grow up’


Email: post@beritleune.COM
Phone: +491772884794